Launch NVIDIA NGC notebooks

This guide describes how you can create Nvidia NGC Jupyter Notebooks with Charmed Kubeflow (CKF).

Deploy the dependencies

Deploy the charms required for notebook integration with NGC images:

juju deploy ngc-integrator --channel=latest/edge --trust

juju deploy resource-dispatcher --channel=latest/edge --trust

Add the required relation between the deployed charms:

juju relate ngc-integrator:pod-defaults resource-dispatcher:pod-defaults

Wait until the charms are in active status, which can be monitored with:

juju status --watch 5s

Create a notebook with NGC

From the Notebooks User Interface (UI):

  1. Select New Notebook and click on Custom Notebook.
  2. Select Custom Image and type in the full name of the NGC image:

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Advanced Options.
  2. From the Configurations dropdown, select Enable Nvidia NGC JupyterLab Notebook:

Finally, launch the notebook and connect to it.

Last updated 4 months ago.