How to uninstall Kubeflow

The instructions below detail how to uninstall Charmed Kubeflow on any Kubernetes, with a separate section for MicroK8s.


Uninstalling Charmed Kubeflow

1. Remove Kubeflow model

To remove the Juju model containing your Kubeflow deployment, run the command:

juju destroy-model kubeflow --destroy-storage

If you chose a different name other than kubeflow for the model, substitute it in the command above. This will remove all the applications under that Kubernetes namespace, and then remove the namespace itself.

If you encounter errors while destroying the model, you can run this command to force deletion:

juju destroy-model kubeflow --yes --destroy-storage --force

Alternatively, to simply release storage instead of deleting it, run with this flag:

juju destroy-model kubeflow --release-storage

See Juju OLM | Remove a model.

2. Remove Juju controller

If you are not using Juju for anything else on the cluster, you may also want to remove the controller to free up resources. You will need to know the name of the controller ( run juju controllers for a list). In the install page, we chose the name my-controller so we remove the controller with:

juju destroy-controller my-controller

Last updated 1 year, 9 months ago.