Release date: Nov 22nd, 2023
What’s new
- Support for Kubernetes 1.25 until 1.29
- Support for juju 3.1
- kfp-operators now point at version 2.0.3 of pipelines, previously it was 2.0.0-alpha.7 #379
- Please make sure to check out the required steps after this change.
- kfp-metadata-writer charm has been added to the kfp-operators offerings #350
- kfp-operators and katib-operators are now integrated with mysql-k8s charm #205 and #72
- kserve-controller defaults to
deployment mode for integrating with the kserve-operators to provide serverless Inference Services #178 - kubeflow-dashboard has a customizable sidebar, users can now integrate new menu links in the sidebar #130
- The pvcviewer-operator charm enable users to open a filebrowser on arbitrary persistent volume claims, letting them inspect, download, upload and manipulate data.
- The newer bundle deploys envoy and mlmd as dependencies of the new pipelines backend.
- jupyter-operators now offer a way to dynamically to enable users to set their desired images in each Notebook type: Jupyter, Rstudio, and VSCode #259
For a list of all the new workload versions in our charms as well as the supported versions of dependencies and infrastructure, please refer to #643
Bug fixes
- latest/edge charm stuck in maintenance with
Workload failed health check
#110 RBAC: access denied
on connecting to a notebook - 1.8 pre-release #309istio-pilot
fails to processingress-relation-broken
event during charm remove #189kfp-api
error on relational-db-relation-broken #222istio-pilot
cannot be removed by juju remove-application #292
- istio-pilot integration with the tls-certificates interface for TLS termination. This also allows users to use certificates provider charms to secure the connection (see #338
- argo-controller now uses the
executor by default #122 - dex-auth has a newer charm configuration for disabling static password #153
- jupyter-ui backend mode change to ‘production’ #271
- argo-server has been removed from the bundle definition
- mindspore image from Notebooks UI #293
Last updated 4 months ago.